Copyright declaration | |
Certificates #: 0029889 0029909 0029921 0029947 | Certificate status: Active |
Account: 11420 Type: Website First_name: **** Last_name: **** Enterprise: scrigno ltd Pseudonym: scrigno City: **** Country: Italy Co_author: **** Sole_author: no Title: web site cocina italiana en casa Web_address: Description: photographed recipes in spanish language. Translations and descritpions of the products, foods. |
0029921 Official Seal issued: August 13th, 2008 - 11:12:47 (ET) |
This copyright has its own permanent Web page. | |||
Our archives securely keep the documents related to this copyright, the described work and also any related drafts. In the case of court litigation for infringement, all documents will be signed by a notary public. | |||