Virudi100 / Shining Sky
Copyright number
2018-12-28 08:21:14
Other > Other
Oc Male Pony Pegasus Shining Sky
Oc 2D / 3D Pony MLP:
- Body = White slightly blue
- Eyes = Yellow
- Mane = Custom Mane Yellow and Red
- Tail = Custom Tail Yellow and Red
- Cutie Mark = two clouds with a rainbow
Picture Example: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/943966739350335681/DA7E6EB43987B1E431BAC3D5E3DA7A14AF2CB7EB/
- Body = White slightly blue
- Eyes = Yellow
- Mane = Custom Mane Yellow and Red
- Tail = Custom Tail Yellow and Red
- Cutie Mark = two clouds with a rainbow
Picture Example: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/943966739350335681/DA7E6EB43987B1E431BAC3D5E3DA7A14AF2CB7EB/